* - rodzice nieznani
** - uwaga: w zapisach, oprócz różnych dat urodzin Joanny i Jadwigi i
różnych dat urodzin ich synów - Michałów, podano również inne nazwiska
rodziców chrzestnych. Te fakty sugerują, ze są to odrębne osoby (siostry?),
które nadały swoim synom to samo imię?
Natomiast Jadwiga i Joanna Jadwiga (zapis poniżej) - to mogła być ta sama
osoba (przypuszczenie na podstawie podobnych dat urodzin, obliczonych w
przybliżeniu na podstawie podanego wieku, z możliwością błędów). Joanna i
Joanna Jadwiga mogły być siostrami przyrodnimi, córkami Sebastiana Waszczaka? |
* - unknown parents
** - In the records, in addition to the
different dates and places of birth given for Joanna and Jadwiga and for their
sons (who were given the same names?) - different sets of names were recorded
for their Godparents. This fact suggests that they were two different persons
(sisters?), whose sons were given the same names.
On the other hand, Jadwiga and Joanna Jadwiga (listed below) could be the same
person - based on the similarity of their birth dates, (which were calculated
on the basis of the recorded age given in years and could contain an error -
as it was observed frequently by us). Also, Joanna and Jadwiga (mothers of the
two Michal boys) could be half-sisters, whose father was Sebastian Waszczak? |