This research project was devoted to the vectorcardiographic study,
based on the clinical material collected by Dr George E. Burch at the
Charity Hospital of the Tulane University of New Orleans in Lousiana,
of the cardiac repolarization phase in various congenital heart

Atrial Septal Defect – ostium primum
(A-V canal)

Atrial Septal Defect – ostium

Ventricular Septal Defect

Tetralogy of Fallot

Congenital Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Vectorcardiography -
Tulane Med. School, New Orleans, LA, USA
The TsE-loop in congenital ventricular septal defect. BURCH GE,
WAJSZCZUK WJ. Am J Med Sci. 1962 Jul;244:75-84.
Analysis of the TsE loop in normal subjects of different ages.
WAJSZCZUK WJ, BURCH GE. Am J Cardiol. 1962 Oct;10:507-13.
The TsE loop in congenital atrial septal defect and persistent
atrioventricular canal.
BURCH GE, WAJSZCZUK WJ. Am Heart J. 1962 Nov;64:600-9.
The TsE loop in tetralogy of Fallot.
BURCH GE, WAJSZCZUK WJ. Am J Cardiol. 1963 Jan;11:54-60.
The TsE-loop in isolated congenital patent ductus arteriosus. BURCH
WAJSZCZUK WJ. South Med J. 1963 May;56:557-60.