DrelówRemembering Fr. Karol Leonard Wajszczuk |
On Saturday July 3, during celebration of the "Days of Drelow" (map), a special scientific session of the Society of Friends of the Drelow District took place, during which Fr. Karol Leonard Wajszczuk (0074) was remebered. He served for many years as a Parish Priest in Drelow and perished in 1942 in the Nazi conventration Camp at Dachau (see). The Society designated earlier the year 2004 as a Year of Remembrance of Fr. Wajszczuk. In addition to the local population, the participants included representatives of local and district authorities and members of Fr. Wajszczuk's family. The principal speech recalling his life and deeds was delivered by dr Jozef Geresz. After his presentation, the personal reminiscences were presented by: the President of the Society, former Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, Representative Franciszek Jerzy Stefaniuk, the Family Members and finally by the current Parish Priest - Fr. Roman Wiszniewski. He also described current efforts locally to initiate the beatification process for Fr. Karol. After the end of the scientific session, the participants went to the local cemetery to lay wreaths. Religious ceremonies took place in the nearby Hermitge at Horodek, followed by the entertainment by local talents (vocal ad dancing groups) and invited artists. Several local press releases followed the celebrations and a special brochure was published commemorating Fr. Karol Wajszczuk.
On Sunday, July 4, after the morning Holy Mass in a local church, we proceeded to the not-too-distant Trzebieszow, where we worked together with a cousin Barbara Miszta
(0156) until late into the night "arranging and matching up" the individuals and branches on the Family Tree.
On Monday, July 5, we visited the Communal Public Library in Drelow and a special exhibit there commemorating Fr. Karol. Our guide was the Library Director - Mrs. Danuta Stefaniuk. Afterwards, we proceeded to Lublin.(click to enlarge)
Text and photographs:
Waldemar J. Wajszczuk and Paweł Stefaniuk
(c) 2004