LublinVisiting Prof. Andrzej Wac-Wlodarczyk |
We met professor Wac-Wlodarczyk in person at the time of a separate trip to Lublin on July 21, 2004. He was not able to attend previous meetings in Zolkiewka, because of his business committments. We met the professor, his wife and daughter with a little gradndaughter (who immediately charmed us all). I (0087)
arrived from Warsaw with my wife Carmen and my sister dr Anna Religa (0090)
and Pawel Stefaniuk came from Drelow.
The few hours spent with our hosts passed very quickly listening to the stories about Zolkiewka, professor's and my family there, i.e. my uncle - dr Edmundand his four children, of whom three died as fighters during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. As children, growing up in Zolkiewka, they knew and were friends with the professor's father. We looked at old pictures, but were not able to established definitely the identities of the people in them.
Professor Wac-Wlodarczyk gave us the cellular telephone number to dr Teresa Borkowska-Wojtowicz, Barbara's childhood friend from Krasnystaw. Dr Borkowska-Wojtowicz was vacationing in the area, the telephone contact was sucessful and she promised to forward to us, after returning home to Warsaw, some written reminiscences and old photographs.
On the way back to Warsaw, before leaving Lublin, we stopped to visit again cousin Teresa Jaroszynska (0097)and her son Maciej.
This was the last "stop" of this trip in search for the traces of the Wajszczuk Family. The trip was very fruitful, emotional and allowed meeting new persons and gathering new information. We want to express here our thanks to the organizers of Meetings in Drelow and in Zolkiewka and to the distant relatives in Sulow, Zamosc and Wysokie for the warm welcome and hospitality. Special thanks to Pawel Stefaniuk for providing his car and a driver (himself), his patience during long meetings and for gatherng (electronically) the documentation. Until the next year!
Concluding this report, I would like to stress that I owe my deepest gratitude to prof. Wac-Wlodarczyk, Mr and Mrs Grzesik in Lublin, and to Mr Kielbasa in Zolkiewka for their unselfish involvement and tireless efforts in providing me with the possibilities of establishing new contacts, meeting several people and gathering the information about my uncle's family. My most heartfelt thanks! I also wish to thank numerous other persons, who were willing to meet with us and share their memories, either in person or by mail.
Text and photographs:
Waldemar J. Wajszczuk and Paweł Stefaniuk
(c) 2004